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When adding olive oil from different groves, you will receive your oils separately and the shipping costs corresponding to each of them will be added.


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When adding olive oil from different groves, you will receive your oils separately and the shipping costs corresponding to each of them will be added.

About us

About us

Buying extra virgin olive oil is not as easy as it seems. This cause is born from my gastronomic passion, and is that the Spanish EVOO have no rival. It all started at a tapas bar in Córdoba, along with my wife. The oil that we were served left us so impressed that we could not stop looking for it. Its flavor, its texture, its intense aroma … pure olive juice. Learn to buy authentic olive oil In Córdoba we discovered that Gourmet products are not what they seem. Much pomp, a lot of etiquette … but at the end of the race, everything is usually a lie. An extra virgin olive oil like any other for which they charge a whopping 15 € per liter, that’s the cheapest. If you compare them with a random mark, you may not know how to differentiate them. The Gourmet is not as special as they sell it to us, it’s all about marketing. When they discover which label they sell most suddenly, prices rise to get gold regardless of the quality of the product. They even have the effrontery to sell as Italian a purely Spanish oil. That awful! On top of charging an exorbitant price, in most cases they attribute the merit to another. It is not that buying “Italian” is a mistake, but ours is the best without a doubt. Our land has the best olive trees, the best production for the composition of the soil, the climate and the experience of the growers. What makes an extra virgin olive oil Spanish with Italian label? More than giving it prestige, it’s stealing it! Aceitedelcampo, only authentic olive juices As soon as I realized this deception on an international level, I could not sit still. I had to do something for the reputation of our juices, and also for you. The funny thing is that the oil producers sell them all at practically cost. It is the businessmen who fill their pockets by inflating the prices under the pretext of being ‘Gourmet’. That’s why I created Aceitedelcampo, here we select the best olive oils from Spanish fields and offer them at a fair price. I declare openly that in Aceitedelcampo we are proud of our product. Our oils exceed the flavor and aroma of Gourmet oils that circulate in the market. Here we sell real extra virgin olive oil. Just try it is worth it, and also sure you repeat because it is spectacular. I’m already hearing you: Now what? If the Gourmet labels are a scam, where can I buy authentic extra virgin olive oil?

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