tomar aceite de oliva en ayunas por la mañana

Benefits of olive oil and lemon juice on empty stomach

Benefits of drinking olive oil in the morning

Olive oil, a basic food of the Mediterranean diet, and one of the most valuable sources of vitamins and antioxidants that we can consume. In fact, the multiple properties and qualities of extra virgin olive oil are universally known.

Considered an elixir of youth, rich in antioxidants and vitamins, it is a good and essential fat to include daily in a healthy diet and as a condiment for many types of dishes. However, and few people know it, it can also be consumed on an empty stomach, drinking a spoonful every day on an empty stomach as soon as I wake up.

Olive oil on empty stomach

Olive oil is a monounsaturated fat composed of triglycerides, of which the most present fatty acids (62%) are oleic acid, linoleic acid, palmitic acid and stearic acid. It is also rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, vitamin E, phytostarch and squalene, as well as provitamin A.

Its properties make it an essential food for health from childhood, during which it contributes to bone formation and myelination of the brain. It also supports the immune system, acts on cholesterol, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and constitutes a powerful anti-aging agent by acting on free radicals.

Olive oil is also rich in hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol, substances with anti-cancer properties, and has anti-inflammatory properties that They make it an ally in cases of osteoarthritis and joint or rheumatic pain.

According to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, daily consumption of 2 tablespoons of olive oil (i.e. 7g) It is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular, pulmonary and neurodegenerative diseases, and even mortality, if other sources of fats (such as butter and margarine) are not used.

This true green gold offers us intense taste sensations and great aromatic complexity, but not only that. In fact, thanks to its microcomponents and antioxidant molecules, extra virgin olive oil favors the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins contained in the ingredients of the foods it flavors, thus giving them a unique flavor.

Olive oil in the morning

  • fight against diabetes
  • good for the heart
  • reduces high blood pressure
  • controls cholesterol
  • strengthens the immune system
  • strengthens bones
  • prevents neurodegenerative diseases
  • fight against arthritis
  • fights free radicals and cellular aging
  • promotes longevity
  • has anti-aging effects and nourishes the skin and hair
  • promotes digestion
  • increases serotonin levels in the brain, which helps fight depression
  • helps maintain your figure, if used in appropriate quantities, and replaces less healthy condiments
  • improves the absorption of vitamins (A, E, D, K) and minerals (calcium and magnesium)

Taking 1 spoon on extra virgin in the morning

Consuming olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach is a good habit, as is drinking water mixed with apple cider vinegar or water with lemon. In addition to all the benefits of consuming olive oil in general during meals, taking one or two tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach has particular advantages:

  • protects the stomach
  • improves digestion
  • reduces problems such as gastritis and gastroesophageal reflux
  • improves intestinal transit
  • regulates the intestinal microbiota
  • detoxifies the liver
  • provides a daily dose of antioxidants and polyphenols
  • helps absorb the vitamins and minerals we take immediately after

Personally, I started drinking a tablespoon of olive oil every morning, motivated by its multiple properties, and in particular as a remedy for my digestive disorders (continued heartburn caused by stress and poor nutrition).

After a few days, I felt like the oil was creating a protective layer on my stomach. I don’t know if the placebo effect played a role, but over the course of a few weeks, I had fewer and fewer episodes of heartburn and difficulty digesting.

Are there any contraindications?

There are no particular contraindications, except that you have to be careful with the amount consumed in case of overweight or low-calorie diet. The recommended amount of olive oil per day as part of a healthy diet for a person of normal weight and an active lifestyle is 40 grams per day, or 4 tablespoons. And if you want to take oil on an empty stomach in the morning, it is advisable to limit yourself to 1 or 2 tablespoons.

At Aceite del Campo, we always recommend consulting any health concerns with your doctor first.

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